2833 1333


09:00 - 18:00

Closed on Saturday & Sunday


Visiting the China Hi-Tech Fair (CHTF) was a rewarding experience


The 21st China International Hi-Tech Fair (hereinafter referred to as “Hi-Tech Fair”) was held in Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center from 13th to 17th November.

In order to experience the advanced products and technologies in the field of high technology, the Macao Productivity and Technology Transfer Centre (PPTC) and Macao Science and Technology Development Fund (MSTDF) organized a delegation of Macao guests to Shenzhen on 12th November. On 13th November, the delegation attended the Opening Ceremony of the Macao Pavilion, and then exchanged ideas with the Macao exhibitors and visited other pavilions, in order to learn more about the achievements of the innovation and technology of the Mainland and other countries.

Macau Tour

During the ceremony, the officiating guests unveiled the theme of the Fair, which is “Join hands to innovate and build the Bay Area together”. On the same day, three signing ceremonies were held at the Macao Pavilion. The three agreements are: Agreement on the Promotion of International Cooperation in Intellectual Property Rights, Strategic Cooperation Agreement on Jointly Promoting the Development of Road and Automobile Collaboration Ecology, and Partnership Agreement on Cultural, Creative and Technological Edition of the Macao Pavilion.

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