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Infoamcaro was awarded‘Key Technology Enterprise Certification’ in Macau

On 14th May 2024, Infoamcaro was awarded the ‘Key Technology Enterprise Certification’ by the Macau Government.

This honour not only highlights Manco’s outstanding achievements in technological innovation and business development, but also signifies that the company is moving towards a new stage of development.

Infomcaro’s co-developed cross-border data validation platform for Guangdong and Macao was selected as one of the Top 50 Digital Industrialisation Tracks.

On 17 November 2023, the ‘Digital Transformation of Central Enterprises Sub-Forum and the Second Central Enterprises Digital Transformation Summit’ was successfully held in Shenzhen.

The conference unveiled the list of ‘Top 100 of the First Red Digital Innovation Competition’, and the Guangdong-Macau Cross-border Data Verification Platform, which Infoamcaro co-developed and provided technical support, was selected as one of the Top 50 in the digital industrialisation track.

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